To give you a glimpse of what French families’ winters at it best can look like you, we would like to introduce you into the soft and tender world of Christine. A warm and cosy nest in which one would gladly hibernate until the return of Spring! If her three children have now grown up, the magic of childhood is ever present in her home and heart. Come with us into her dreamy world!

Can you please present your family and yourself?
We are a family of five. I have one son and two daughters now aged twenty, eighteen and fifteen. We also have several cats and dogs!
My husband works for the Orient Express, the luxury train company. I used to work as a press officer but interrupted my career to raise my children. I fell in love with renovating ancient furniture, especially children’s one. It has become a real passion.

How do you add beauty and warmth to your winter?
Winter is definitely my favorite season. I love the cold and the snow. I add soft and warm home decor with fur cushions, wool blankets and candles to feel really cosy inside! A home should never be sad because it is winter, quite the opposite!
The activity I enjoy the most on rainy days is manual craft. Nothing better than being in my atelier listening to the raindrops and letting my imagination flow. I love thinking about my next renovation projects, picking the color, the fabric and envisioning it in a child’s room.

What is your favorite Christmas tale?
My favorite children’s book is the Polar Express. Each year, as we near winter, we take out this beautiful tale again. We also love to watch the movie as a family. One must never stop believing in Christmas.

What are your favorite Christmas traditions?
Our favorite recipes for the festive season are bœuf bourguignon mijoté (red wine beef stew) and star shaped sablés biscuits which we eat for Saint Nicholas’ day. It is a popular European celebration, a sort of early Santa Claus. Traditionally children place a shoe in front of the fireplace or the front door at night to find them filled with small presents the next morning. It is often an opportunity to gather as a family and enjoy festive treats.

Can you please share a gift idea for children?
I love toys with a history and soul. One of the gifts I love to make is a vintage crib with beautiful ancien linen. My favorites toys are Kapla which allow hours on end of construction and imagination. And of course the cute Maileg mice in front of the Christmas tree which delight mothers and children alike.

This winter is quite unlike any other, it has changed our habits and routines. What have you learned?
After this difficult period, I think I will keep on making simple things with my hands like drawing and manual crafts. The lockdown has allowed me to rediscover the essentials, the simple things which make me truly happy!
Can you share some of your favorite Instagram accounts please?
Two of my favorite accounts to follow: @poulinettechacha who took part in this blog. Read her article.
I also like @seebykloe, a vintage decoration account and as a bonus @capharnaumdeco who sells vintage furniture and decor for kids.

Do you have a word of encouragement to share with mothers around the world?
I wish all mothers to be able to fully live happiness as a family and to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones. To enjoy each and every moment.
I would like to end with a sweet quote :
“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

*All photos are taken by Christine
Follow Christine’s Instagram : Cerise sous le pommier
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